Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Every year since I moved to Texas I do a bluebonnet painting for my Texas sister's birthday. Most of those paintings are really terrible, but they are steadily improving. I find flowers so hard, for all the same reasons as everyone else: they are so alive and after you paint them they are so not. And all the greats have painted them so there is a heavy historical burden. Even with all that, sometimes you have to do it anyway.
I take my hat off to you, Jane Freilicher.

1 comment:

  1. Bluebonnets vous nous faites tourner la tête!
    J'aime vos deux bouquets de bleuets mais s'il me fallait choisir, ce dernier m'attire davantage est-ce que le coquelicot ne prenait pas toute la présence ? Amitiés
