Monday, May 10, 2010

Ellipsis: Olives, Cherries

Well - the ellipses are gradually improving. Although I did wipe a few times on the olive jar lid, the cherry lid went down in one go. I did have this realization over the olives: the turning edge of the top half of the ellipse occurs just before the greatest width because the center of the ellipse is NOT in the center of the oval, it is just back from the center. I really hope knowing this makes the whole experience less maddening from now on.

Also, another tip from blogsnooping: a phone book is great for cleaning up paint from the palette, although I might be the only one left who didn't know this. If you keep it open by your easel, you can rip out a page every time you need to wipe your palette knife or brush. Cheaper than paper towels.

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