Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Plastic Bowl Number 3

I am including these shots of the beginning stages for the benefit of my extended family who have asked what is black gesso. Usually the ground is white and a thin wash of umber or another color is used to subdue the white because it sometimes is so overpowering that it interferes with color mixing. Whatever color the ground is affects the rest of the color, for instance a bright red ground will give a red cast to the entire painting, some bits of it will peek through.
Today the bowl was easier. I love its thin walls and the way it holds color in its edges. I poured in something called Big Red that I found in the back of my refrigerator, who brought that to my house???


  1. Thanks for sharing your process, Jean. Interesting to see how the painting came together.

    Really nice how the edge of the bowl picks up the red. It looks like a bowl of red jello.

  2. J'aime toujours voir la progression du travail... merci pour votre générosité et bravo pour le résultat.
