Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Plastic Bowl Number 9

These are crab apples with actual leaves attached!
Nearing the end - I have learned a lot with this. Three or four in I thought, big mistake, boring, tedious, etc., but it has been good. One of the biggest things is: accurate drawing is only necessary if your particular system of logic in your painting requires it. (my opinion) If the visual logic is inconsistent, the integrity is violated, and things fall apart. For me in my work, accurate drawing is necessary, so I have to learn it. But I delight in artwork that does not operate with that same logic and do not find it the lesser. Another thing: It's not about the bowl, although the ability to make the bowl look like plastic is a good skill to have up your sleeve. Another example of technique always taking a back seat to the overall statement of the painting. And another thing: when you do things over and over (changing a few things here and there to keep from going barking mad) you learn extra things that sneak in in spite of a laser focus on one thing, here the arc of the lip. Other pieces of information eventually shift together into a whole that passes into your understanding somehow when you aren't even trying. Isn't that great?


  1. Jean,
    Loved number 8 and now 9. The stripes on 8 were amazing and now 9 is just beautiful. Great job. Great commentary on all that you have learned. I am sure I am not the only one interested in the summary of all that you feel has come together for you through this exercise. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. I am impressed, Jean! Your painting is good and your post of what you have learned is well said. I'm ready to see the 10th and last one of this exercise. It's been fun to see each one!

  3. Que va être le n°10 ? ...
    Bel exercice et surtout très beaux résultats.
