Saturday, November 6, 2010

Stacked Apples

This is today's warm up and it was really fun, because I was trying to find a way to see them new and stacking them did it. As I was painting them, I lost the apple label completely and had fun finding the values of the forms. It was joyous --


  1. What a great idea to do a warm-up . . . takes the desperation out of it.
    You really achieved the gloss of the apple skin. I like the colors against a pink background. Very anthropomorphic like they're waiting for you to feed them!

  2. Love the color. They look like apple snowmen (or women)! Great painting.

  3. What a creative way to change things up! I love the shiny reflections you've captured in the apples skin.

  4. Très belles nuances de rouges... Bisous
