Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cabbage and Cheese

Another cabbage with the large bristle brush. Lots of paint on the surface.


  1. You are an absolute glutton for punishment painting these cabbages. You would have to pay me a lot to paint one. You have really done a great job with them. I admire your stamina and desire to experiment.
    I enjoyed watching your puppet video. Great job. Looks like fun.

  2. Love your cabbage series and this one is my favorite! You are such an inspiration - I don't think there is anything that you can't paint and do a beautiful job with it!

    And then to top it off you knit the most wonderful puppets from your own designs! I think you should move to Fort Worth and become my teacher!

  3. Thanks you guys for your vegetable support and for watching my little movie -

  4. LOVE this one Jean! Those cherries are such an eye popping delight. Yumyum, good painting.
