Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cabbage and Lemon

Here is the first cabbage and a leftover California lemon with a shriveled leaf. I am having second thoughts about loving the cabbage. Timing is everything. What I need is a better understanding of values and getting them down correctly the first time and I think simpler subjects would be more helpful. The cabbage is beautiful, though, with endless facets and folds and surprising grays. Maybe it's possible to simplify it, but I will have to fight myself all the way because my natural inclination is to make everything more complicated.


  1. Well, and then you had to go and add a folded cloth! Nice job on the cabbage though.

  2. That is a nice cabbage. I like the leaf laying out to the right. Gives it personality.

  3. I like cabbages, and this one is beautiful, as a green shell..

  4. I love your cabbage. I tried painting one recently and it was a real challenge. So much interesting texture and color that it's easy to lose the overall form. But yours is lovely.
