Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mug Shot 9

Mug shot number 9....
This woman had unbelievable hair, flowing and shiny and soft looking.


  1. Great job on her hair, but also her warm and cool skin tones. Also, good job on her expression. That's a difficult thing to do. I think that is one of the challenges, but also one of the best things of painting mug shots. There is such a variety of people with all kinds of expressions. Well done!

  2. That hair is false advertising.

  3. Une sacré bouille! Elle devrait demander à notre Geneviève de Fontenay de lui permettre de concourir pour les miss France!!! Sorry, je suis une grande moqueuse !!
    En ce qui concerne ta peinture. Vraiment géniale! tu as su parfaitement capturer son faciès.
    Une très belle palette de couleurs... Gros bisous.

  4. You have done a fantastic job! I love the way you captured the warm and cool values of the face. The expression is priceless. It has got to be a good feeling to really depict an expression that would be unacceptable in a portrait commission, but is still a valid human emotion.
