Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mug Shot 23

Ah, testosterone. You can see it at work.
I admit I was in a rapture working on this nose, It was so --- there, such a fleshy anchor for this boy's face. Also, since I have been getting in bad trouble with backgrounds that I add after the figure is painted, I laid in an acid yellow wash first thing to give me some color to relate to as I painted the head, and it was a much more comfortable way to go. I had to soften it tremendously later, but at least I was in the family of yellow at the end.


  1. good art work and you seem to have sort of used some of the techniques to make it look good but trust me it could have been much more better....visit

  2. Beautifully painted, Jean! Skin tones are so fresh and blooming with youth and great relationship with background color. Stellar!
