Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tom P.

This is a mugshot of a good friend. I am thinking I have to shift out of the criminal element because their photos are so terrible, bad light, bad color, pixillated when enlarged....it shouldn't be that hard. I am thinking I will take my own mug shots of the people in my life with my new fancy pants camera and have more CONTROL over some of these issues.


  1. Un portrait qui me plaît bien... votre ami a un regard enjôleur!... Belle peinture.
    gros bisous

  2. Am so intrigued with all these mugshots, either friends or foe. Each one just gets better and better!

  3. Wonderful painting! Great expression beautifully painted! Bravo to your painting and to taking your own shots . . .

  4. Really great Jean... jumped off the screen! Love those flesh tones!! Well done!!
