Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mugshot 35, The Acupuncturist

Ok, back at it. This is another stab at the shadow vs. light issue. Actually the painting is much redder - more red? can't remember how that is written, but maybe because we finally finally have rain here and there is little daylight, it didn't photograph correctly. Small price to pay for rain.


  1. Your skin tones are wonderful. I really like the painterly style...loose but expressing the features perfectly.

  2. Lovely, Jean! Your loose brush work always looks wonderful and you have such a great sense of color!

  3. Another fine portrait, Jean! Your light and dark sides are perfectly in sync. Really like the pale blues on the light side. I'm taken with her direct gaze and penetrating expression—one really gets a sense of the person. So glad to see a post again!
