Monday, April 23, 2012

Mugshot 52, Possible Family Member, Value Studies

The first painting is another mugshot in which I concentrated on stating the values as  strongly as I saw them - harrowing and funny. So much is really dark!  I know this philosophically, but with my eyes, not so much. The rest of the little paintings are all studies, again using pure black and white and 2 other values.  Interesting how much it takes to imprint this way of seeing/painting, I would have thought just having it explained would have made it happen.  Whatever -- it must be grasped!
I also discovered today there is a new format for posting, so these value studies are wandering around on their own. I will figure this out tomorrow.


  1. Love that mugshot! Beautiful color!
    I'm enjoying watching your value studies also. You have inspired me to do something similar.

  2. Une série de très jolies peintures...
    Gros bisous

  3. Great job with the glasses. Beautiful colors.
    I'm enjoying your value studies, too, and have begun a few of my own. I think they are more difficult than I imagined. However I am continuing and learning. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Enjoyed catching up with your great works. Yeah, the value thing should be simple. Sounds it. So smart to keep studying it. Love htis mugshot. the skintones are so nice against the blue/grey in the eyes and background. cracked me up with your comment on "young one" on my blog.

  5. Terrific portrait, Jean!! Love the interplay between the dark and light sides—so much wonderful variety in the colors. So alive! Great job on the value studies—only 4 values . . . kinda kills my theory that one needs to mix many! Aiyaiya . . .

  6. Really well done, Jean! Love the skin tones. And you did a marvelous job on those glasses!

  7. Jean, I love the way you make EVERY STROKE COUNT ! fantastic... It seems I still have to work over it a little....... I'm just sayin'
