Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mugshot 57: The Lessards

OOOOH, I have been computerless for some time, odd how everything becomes so quiet when your computer isn't working, like the world has stopped and I guess, really that world HAS stopped.  All systems go for now though, I'm ecstatic!  This is a painting done from an old black and white photo, and I think it dates from the 20's, I forget exactly.  The groom looks like a biker to me, a Jimmy Dean, and I happen to know the bride possessed a bit of wickedness herself. All those value exercises paid off here. I just treated that suit like it was a jar of jam, laying in the darks and lights, squinting and shifting my eyes around, and voila -- clothing!


  1. Heureuse de vous retrouver!!!
    Une très jolie peinture... Un couple que vous connaissez bien je suppose !
    J'aime ces vieilles photos où les personnes posaient autrefois...
    Gros bisous
