Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mugshot 61: President Obama

This is a painting I did to enter a show in Charlotte, N. C. that will be up during the  Democratic Convention. I think it is to be held in a very large space like a warehouse.  The title of the show is, All Things Obama.  I am so sorry I won't be able to see it, can you even imagine the wild variety? It should be hilarious fun.


  1. I adore this! (I said this once already, but my comment has mysteriously disappeared.) You are so talented! This painting is so optimistic - our President, gazing out toward the future. Great job!

  2. Jean, I did a painting of him when he was elected, too. Do you know who is in charge of the show? I'd love to contact them, and send my painting, possibly..... I love your painting of him !
