Monday, March 9, 2015

Mug Shot 88,

8x10 inches oil on panel

I have been painting like mad but not posting because I have been taking painting classes and doing exercises on all the off days. As usual, I find when I take a workshop I can do nothing, can't control anything, can't get any effect, and  finally cannot find any joy in painting at all. This time though, because the classes have lasted about 6 months, I calmed down enough to stop expecting any results and learned how to put the paint down differently, which is what I was after. My instructor painted in  an academic manner and was articulate about the processes, also was a really nice guy and let me pick his brain. I took in lots of little paintings and he pointed out the problems and we talked about how to solve them. When you boil it all down, it always  is the same, you have to see differently, but once you do....Yes!  I think I have turned a corner at last. One of the many corners.
Because I have been having trouble getting a good solid sense of form, I shot some photos with an overhead LED reading light shining down on me, so I could get a distinct light/dark pattern and painted from it. That move is a big help before you even get going.


  1. This is so good, Jean. Very powerful . . . worth all the doubt and suffering.

  2. You could fool me when you say you are NOT getting good solid form. Your work is fabulous and a couple of posts back the woman with red classes I found to be pretty brilliant...just like this one.
    I love the way you are figuring everything out. YOU ROCK!

  3. I love hearing that you're painting like mad. And I so admire your drive and dedication to getting better, even when it's painful. In our opinion, of course, you are fabulous.
