Friday, April 22, 2016

Still Life With Plates, 36 inches square, oil on canvas

This started out in realism and finished itself in abstraction, my old home.
I  have a thing about plates, dishes --- I love them. Also fun to work biggish  again, to really swing the arm and use fat brushes and palette knives and work in a frenzy, collapse into a chair and evaluate for a couple of hours. Realism is  a different way of working (for me so far), a lot of technical stuff (and some of it crap I think, but which?)  needs to be established and then I think, transcended. Oy, I don't know the answers.


  1. Very cool! The creative freedom shows here!

  2. Why aren't you painting like this all the time? We love it. Is it for sale? (And we still love you.)

  3. Your work never ceases to amaze me, Jean.
