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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sylvester's Oleander (6 inches square)

This time I used a #10 but it was a brand new Monarch bright with a crisp new edge to it, so I could have painted the teeth on a zipper if I had wanted to. And in fact, I did labor too long here.


  1. Bravo pour ce brin de laurier... j'aime mettre dans des verres les fleurs brisées par le vent, l'orage... Une sorte de clinique à fleurs!
    J'aime le verre rouge, j'en ai un similaire.
    La transparence est remarquablement bien réussie.

  2. That's funny, Jean! The brush does make a difference in your painting. Really great job on the red vase.

  3. Love that ruby red... per your last post, how can you not choose color?
    Aw, do we really have to choose at all?

  4. Shirley -- I'm with you. I think not only no, but hell no.
