I have had this photo for awhile, thinking how I would go at it, than finally I had the idea. I didn't want it to be prettified or babied, hence the brown background. I have had a bad cold during the painting so there have been lots of stops and starts, never a good thing, but I kept at it even when it was clear it was overworked, just to finish and see what I could do with it. The child is very serious in the photo, and I wanted to get that. Also, of course, the luminous skin. I think a large part of getting beautiful skin is using lots of thick paint, which makes skin on all its own. I didn't accomplish this, somehow I forgot about loading up the brush. Anyway, I'll have another go at it when I'm using all my cylinders. But I did like the positioning of the head in the space and the size of her, that was the most successful part.